Another momentous day on captured on shortwave

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


October 24th marked another day of significant international developments covered on shortwave. Rishi Sunak became the fifth Conservative UK Prime Minister in just over six years and the Chinese Communist Party concluded its 20th National Congress two days earlier. Below is a selection of news broadcasts extracted from the spectrum capture I made outdoors, starting from around 1600 UTC. The BBC World Service coverage expectedly focused on Rishi Sunak's ascent to the prime minister's office, while the KBS World Service (South Korea) aired a long discussion on the party congress in China. The Voice of Vietnam and China Radio International brodcasts were also noteworthy in terms of how they placed emphases on these and other important events of the day. The spectrum capture was made using GPD MicroPC, AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter 2, Wellbrook UMB130 balun and a 2x6m dipole. Demodulation and additional signal audio enhancement was performed in SDR#.

BBC World Service, 12025 kHz, 24/10/22 at 1553 UTC

    KBS World Service, 9515 kHz, 24/10/22 at 1609 UTC

      Voice of Vietnam, 11885 kHz, 24/10/22 at 1600 UTC

        China Radio International, 9570 kHz, 24/10/22 at 1600 UTC

          About the author

          This blog is written by a shortwave radio enthusiast based in London, UK. You can follow him on Twitter at @LondonShortwave